Cutchi Memon Community of Karachi
An Introduction:
The Memon who migrated from Gujrat to Cutch/Kutch, initially settled in Bujh (the Capital of Cutch) and later spread to other cities like Mandvi, Anjar, Bhachau, Lakhpar, Naliya, Kharai, Godhra, Mundra, Koday, Vinjan, Kothara, Whakan, Khedoi etc.
Cutch faced multiple calamities during 1800s, that included Bubonic Plague of 1812 devasting earthquake of 1819, and deadly Plague of 1896 that wiped out half of it’s population and forced mass exodus. Families moved towards Karachi. Families also moved to Mumbai, Calcutta/ Basra/ Nagpur/ Sagar and other Indian destinations and internationally destinations like Basra/ Baghdad, Saudi, Mauritius, Colombo, UK, other European/African destinations.
When British entered Karachi, initially through the East India Company in 1839 and later establishing complete rule in 1843, Cutchi Memon Families were already settled here were known in reference to the city they came from, like Anjarwala, Bujh Wala, Kotharis, Mandvi wala (madai wala), Bachau walas etc. Some families used names of their prominent elders as family name, while large number was recognized by their business or trait that usually maintained in the family. We have amongst us business persons, teachers, lawyers, engineers, warriors, hoteliers, transporters, builders etc. that cover all professions.
With the growth of Karachi during 1900s, more Cutchi Memon families moved from Cutch and those who had settled in Nagpur, Calcutta, Ajmer, Goa, Mauritius, Colombo, Basra, Bagdad, Aden etc. who are now recognized in reference to these cities.
Cutchi Memon Community of Karachi played important role in building city of Karachi together with Bhoras/ Ismailis and others communities. Decision of the British to establish backup cantonment here made the small town of Kolachi grow to what we know as Karachi. However this was a challenge due to limitation of water supply from private wells. The large cantonment and its’ troops required bulk clean water. The nearest identified water source was Damlote’ wells of Malir from where pipeline was needed for supply of water. Transportation of heavy concrete pipes coming from Calcatta from port to Damlote’ was a challenge in absence of roads, heavy transport and lifting machines. The Cutchi Memon attached to Port & Shipping took the challenge; arranged and provided the logistics to make this impossible task, possible.
The families settled in what is now old town with it’s hub of Chakiwara, Bhimpura, Nawabad and Garikhata commanded the port logistics. To this date, some of these families still own and operate heavy moving equipment and transport and continue the trait, but many moved to Timber business and related industry where to this day, they control the hardboard and laminate Industry. Our prominent leader Sir Abdullah Haroon who played vital role in unifying Karachi to Sindh, operated multiple business including used clothing, this business now turned Industry is still controlled by Cutchi Memon families of Karachi. The families settled in great number in the Commercial Hub of Saddar and Garikhata and other areas operated major retail trade in posh most area of Saddar. In 1940s and 50s almost half the properties and business in the Saddar municipal limits were owned or linked to these families.
Our community brethren are among few to be in Arms Manufacturing Industry in Pakistan, our fellow played pivotal role in the construction of Sukkur Barrage became the second person of the community to receive title of Sir & Khan-Bhadur by the Queen.
Earlier decades of Pakistan saw Cutchi Memon Community in business and Industries that included Tannery, Steel Re-rolling, Pharmaceutical, Travel, international trade and more. Our brethren operating regionally maintained business branches from Peshawar to Dhaka, one such group, to this date commands Pakistan’s top rank in such list. Our prominent Industrial families shine in Sugar, Fertilizer, Confectionary, Wood and Hardboard, Construction, Hospitality and many more.
The community plays significant role toward welfare of mankind vide its contribution in sectors of health, housing, education and standing up for the women’s rights and religious harmony. In a survey conducted during last decade of British Rule, The Cutchi Memon and the Parsi were declared to be maintaining the highest number of Trusts in whole of British India.
Our brethren served multiple high positions in the banking sector including heading one of the largest private banks, as Pakistan’s Ambassador who played pivotal role in building new nations’ Arab ties. We have honour to have our brothers as Justice of the High Court, minister in the Federal Cabinet, men in in Pakistan Army, Airforce and Pak Navy who reached the rank equal to Army’s General, those working with government reached rank of Deputy Secretary and Secretary, top slot of Government Corporations and Utilities Agencies. Even during British era the first 3 collectorates established by British in Karachi, Hyderabad & Sukkur were all entrusted to Cutchi Memon.
Today our educated elite and professions excel in fields of health & medicine, engineering, I.T., Accountancy, Law, Media and Education are helping the humanity in general and making the nations grow.
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